Use cases
Climate data is used in many different stages of the building design process, and all of them depend on the accuracy and reliability of input data.
This is exactly where you can excel.
Building simulations
Building simulation, by definition, strives for the most realistic prediction of the real behavior of a building prior to its construction. It is crucial to set the input conditions as close to reality as possible to get the most realistic results.
The simulation outcome is only as good as the data that goes in. Running performance simulations using outdated weather files from weather stations 10s of km away from the project site will produce only a generalized approximation of the reality.
Approximate simulation results:
- Sub-optimal energy performance
- Increased safety risk (e.g. fire, smoke)
- Poor daylighting
The MeteoInsight weather files are created from the latest hourly weather records for your specific project site. Employing MeteoInsight weather files, your building simulation will yield more realistic results that mimic the true behavior of the building.
Superior simulation results:
- Premium energy certifcation
- Healthy and productive spaces
- Minimized capital and operating costs
Running a building simulation is a significant investment during the design process. Don’t devalue its results by running it with inaccurate input data.
HVAC design and sizing
Accurate and reliable climate data is a key input for HVAC design. Climatic design conditions determine the size of the system, selection of technologies, the required performance, and much more.
Normative climatic design conditions for HVAC sizing and load calculations contain the most basic climate statistics, created from outdated weather records generalized for regions of thousands of km2 in size. Insufficient data leads to the overdesign of HVAC.
Overdesigned HVAC system:
- Increased HVAC costs
- Large carbon footprint
- Increased tenant health risks
Complementary MeteoInsight climate statistics allow you to design optimally sized HVAC systems without compromising on the government's technical standards. These statistics are created from up-to-date weather records for your specific project site.
Optimized HVAC sizing:
- Minimized capital and operating costs
- Low environmental impact
- Increased property value
Enhance your HVAC design to not only meet compliance standards but to optimize its performance and cost.
Building Envelope Design
Accurate and reliable climate data is an integral part of the building envelope design. Climatic design conditions determine the orientation and the shape of the building, as well as the thermal, daylighting, and acoustic performance of its envelope.
Normative climatic design conditions for envelope design contain the most basic climate statistics, created from outdated weather records generalized for regions of thousands of km2 in size. Insufficient data leads to an underperforming building envelope.
Underperforming building envelope:
- Thermal discomfort for tenants
- Productivity loss
- Property depreciation
Complementary MeteoInsight climate statistics allow you to design optimally performing building envelope without compromising on the government's technical standards. These statistics are created from up-to-date weather records for your specific project site.
Improved envelope performance:
- Healthy and productive spaces
- Superior energy performance
- Improved property demand
Explore unique new design options and design the best performing envelope in compliance with technical standards.
HVAC performance assessment
The purpose of HVAC is to create a stable indoor environment by compensating for outside weather conditions. Comparing the latest weather records against measurements of internal HVAC sensors is critical to detect performance issues early on.
If property managers don’t have easy access to the latest weather records of the location of their property, early detection, and fix of malfunctioning HVAC systems become increasingly difficult and
cost-intensive processes.
Late detection of malfunctioning HVAC:
- Frequent HVAC maintenance
- Discomfort and health risk for tenants
- Property depreciation
The MeteoInsight hourly weather records are created from the latest weather data for your specific property site. Employing MeteoInsight weather records, you can prevent future HVAC malfunctions and identify the ongoing ones way in advance.
Early detection of HVAC malfunctioning:
- Reduced maintenance costs
- Healthy and productive spaces
- Increased property value
Identify HVAC malfunctions way in advance by comparing your HVAC performance against reliable weather records of the exact location of your property.
Let's see how much we can optimise your work and boost your competitive advantage on a tough construction market.
Let's Earth s.r.o.
Jungmannova 36/31
Prague 1, 110 00
Czech Republic
ID: 6278884